Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What does FTM mean? ie..swm is single white male, iso in search of.....?

Farts Too Much.

What does FTM mean? ie..swm is single white male, iso in search of.....?windows vista ultimate

It's a transgender term for someone who is intending to or already in the midst of having a sex change from (F)Female (T) to (M) Male

What does FTM mean? ie..swm is single white male, iso in search of.....?default browser internet explorer

i agree with him
Female To Male, as in a transsexual.
I like Hooties answer best, now that's funny. But by now you already know that it means Female To Male, so I'm going to just laugh at Hooties answer.
A transgendered person that has gone from Female To Male.

ie... Born female and now living life as a male.
female-to-male transgendered and transsexual people

a female wanting to sex change to a male

you also have MTF - males becoming females

sites for info:
Female to Male. a person who is changing gender from female to male

MTF is Male to Female same thing just its a male becomeing a female.
female to male transgendered
FTM = Female to male transsexual

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