Friday, November 27, 2009

Can gold produce allergies (ie rings, earrings,etc)?

Not the element of gold itself, but the stuff (chemicals) that is mixed into gold, that de-purifies it. From one ounce of pure gold, over 6 size 8 rings can be produced depending on the amount of other chemicals added to it. These chemicals are what will cause your allergic reaction. Also any metal that is under the gold. If you have any Gold Plated jewelry, this too can cause an alergic reaction.

Can gold produce allergies (ie rings, earrings,etc)?ie 6

it could if your alergic to it but alot of people are not so you should be fine. if not see your docter

Can gold produce allergies (ie rings, earrings,etc)?windows vista internet explorer

In general, no. Gold is an unreactive metal, and therefore people usually don't have allergic reactions to it.
Almost anything can produce an allergic reaction. Especially if it's not 24K gold, which means it's mixed with other more common allergy-producing metals such as nickel. I am allergic to 24k gold though.
Yes, particularly if it's not 24 carat. I can't wear any kind of metal (including stainless steel) or I break out. It's probably not the gold itself, but the stuff they mix with it to make it stronger. Not even "pure" gold is actually pure.
I know that my mother can only wear 14k gold.... All the rest breaks her skin out and causes the area to become red, swollen, and very itchy. If you are having a reaction, maybe you should try a different type of gold. It the reaction is severe, by all means, seak medical treatment immediately.
I know it's TV but I watched a "House" episode where a guy was allergic to it..

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