Friday, November 20, 2009

If homosexuality is natural ie: they are born that way then why?

do lesbians have breasts. and before answering by saying thats the way we are made then, think about this, our physical design dictates why we are born with a penis. women are born with a fangina, and both sexes are born with an anus as an exit for excrement. is anal sex is illegal. this i a general question not a personal oponion

If homosexuality is natural ie: they are born that way then why?microsoft outlook

Men have breasts too.

Not all gays engage anal sex. That's a preocupation staright men have with gay men, not the other way around. I know many gay men who find anal sex disgusting.

The WHY are there gay people has a lot to do with survival. We are pack animlas. That means that I have an interest in making sure that the family's DNA carries on, not just my own. The most obvious way of making sure your DNA carries on is to have babies-- but too many babies make a pack vulnerable to starvation and war with other packs. It makes good sense to have a VERY small part of the population elect to not make babies, so that they can support the pack's babies. For example, I am an excellent uncle- and my nieces and nephews have a better chance of making it in the world because of the time and money I can spend on them (which I couldn't do if I had a kid). The advantage of being able to bond (i.e. sex) with same gendered people is about preventing war with other packs: as a non breeding person, I am able to form alliances with other non breeding individuals from other packs, reducing the liklihood of war. So, from an evolutionary biology perspective, we are resouce providers and peace makers.

Of course, from a right wing conspiracy perspective, I am just an evil person bent on destroying families and destined for hell. But I find that explaniation illogical, insulting, and it does not speak to my perspective at all.

If homosexuality is natural ie: they are born that way then why?windows messenger internet explorer

I have breasts because I'm a woman %26amp; I've had a child!!

Anal sex is not illegal in Britain where I live,don't know where you live.
Because our gender and sexual orientation are 2 different things. You're trying to consolidate 2 seperate concepts into one. It just doesn't work like that.

Sexual orientation and gender are independent of one another, they're only dependent on each other as reference points. So if I'm male and attracted to males, that's a same-sex orientation. If I were to magically become female, I'd have an opposite-sex orientation. So they're only used together as reference points, they're not connected.

This is a silly question. That's like asking why someone is a brunette if their eyes are blue. They're usually used together, but are different concepts.

With gender, it's the body, with sexual orientation, it's the mind.

And if you're going to argue procreation, well people are born infertile, and old people can't procreate, so they don't make a lick of sense either. Also homosexuals aren't the only ones that engage in anal sex, it's probably more prevalent in heterosexual community. And oral sex is definitely more prevalent among heterosexuals.

So, lesbians have breasts because their gender is female, but they have a same-sex orientation.

2 different concepts, not connected, just points of reference.
you lost me on the part about lesbians having breasts! duh they're women!

Yes, anus is an exit for excrement, and vagina and penis are an exit for urine, but not only, so your reasoning isn't so clever as you seem to think

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