I teach junior high and high school. I have students interested in getting involved, but they are limited by their age. We hold annual canned food drives and volunteer hours at the local shelters and food pantries, but specifically what more could small groups or a class do to get involved?
What can young people, ie. teens, do in their own communities to help ONE.org in the fight against poverty?microsoft flight simulator
The one site, with a little surfing around, will reveal legislation on the agenda...since most congressmen are in there home district now...a lot of phone calls would help. even though your students are not old enough to vote. they all have parents, who might be recruited to the cause, and also, their voting status may never come up. When the pnone starts ringing repeatedly, elected officials begin to take notice
and here is the house of representatives page where they could get the phone #
What can young people, ie. teens, do in their own communities to help ONE.org in the fight against poverty?windows 2000 internet explorer
The only thing I can think of is to e-mail ONE.org and ask them how you can help.
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